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“El Capriccio de Henning Larsen”

“Henning Larsens Capriccio​​​​​​​”


Da vi besøgte Gaudís El Capricho-hus i Comillas, Spanien, huskede jeg, at i Helsted Randers i Danmark også havde en arkitektonisk capriccio, visualiseret af den berømte arkitekt Henning Larsen. Det har været et indfald, fordi hans ideer gik imod alle standarder for klassisk kirkearkitektur, og fordi det fortsat koster mange penge at reparere de skader, der er typiske for et meget avanceret design for hans tid.


Billedet blevet fotograferet i forbindelse til en serie af Henning Larsens arkitektonisk perle og udstillet i samarbejde med Enhøj kulturgruppen i udstillingslokalerne “den blå stue” ved Enhøj kirken fra den 7 Januar til den 1. Marts 2017


Fotograferet i 2016

Sted: Enhøj Kirken, Helsted Randers

Original Format 40x50cm

Farvepalet: Farvepalet: Stærk blå, gul og brun i kontrast til det skandinaviske hvide på kirkevæggene.

Dogme: in-a-rush 2015® - ingen digitale manipulationer, udviklet i farver.

Udstillet: Ja -

  • “Den Blå Stue” ved Enhøj kirken fra den 7 Januar til den 1. Marts 2017
  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro 5.-28. maj 2018
  • Randers Stor Center Store Torv 18.-28. august 2022


Pris for bekræftet kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr

Pris for bekræftet kopi format 50x70: 3.500 kr

Pris for bekræftet kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr

Andre formater og indramning kan bestilles efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.


Presse: “På søndag åbner en udstilling med nye fotokunstværker i sognegården ved Enghøj Kirke.”



--- EN --


“Henning Larsen's Capriccio”  from the Enhøj Church Series

When we visited Gaudí's El Capricho house in Comillas, Spain, I remembered that in Helsted Randers in Denmark also had an architectural capriccio, visualized by the famous architect Henning Larsen. It has been a whim because his ideas went against all standards of classical church architecture and because it continues to cost a lot of money to repair the damage typical of a very advanced design of his time.


The picture was photographed in connection with a series of Henning Larsen's architectural jewel and exhibited in collaboration with the Enhøj culture group in "the blue room" at the Enhøj church from 7 January to 1 March 2017


Photographed in 2016

Place: Enhøj Church, Helsted Randers

Original format 40x50cm

Color palette: Strong blues, yelows and brown in contrast with the scandinavian white of the church walls.

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - no digital manipulations, developed in color.

Exhibited: Yes -

  • "the blue room" at the Enhøj church from 7 January to 1 March 2017
  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro 5.-28. May 2018
  • Randers Stor Center Store Torv 18.-28. August 2022


Price for confirmed copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500

Price for confirmed copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500

Price for confirmed copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500

Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.


Press: "On Sunday, an exhibition of new photographic works of art will open in the parish yard at Enghøj Church."

“El Capriccio de Henning Larsen”

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