Intro about “In-A-Rush” series
By: Gunner Byskov - Chairman
"Fotografisk Salon Aarhus", Denmark.
It is rare to encounter a major innovator in the Danish photography landscape. Danes have a fairly common understanding of how Denmark should be seen - the Golden age of painters have not lived in vain! Perhaps then, only a foreigner with fresh eyes, could show us the landscape, in a new way to be seen, and that is exactly what Juan de Dios achieves with his pictures. Captured in both large and small cities, and around the Danish countryside. What wonderful observations! New lines, shapes and colors show up for our wondering eyes: is it really Denmark? Yes, it is... and the Danish landscapes will never be quite the same after this...

Presented by Curator: Claudio Cifuentes Aldunante
Associate Professor Emeritus,
Syddansk Odense Universitet
August 2022
“Juan DeDios invites you to experience the Danish landscape in its dynamic version. Simplicity, light and movement; Juan de Dios achieves impressionistic interpretations of the motifs that emerge with a wealth of colors, lines and tactility.
The banal becomes imaginative representations of the landscape which question what reality is? ... when the speed of the camera is slowed down but the photographer’s speed continues at an unchanged pace ... the metaphysical becomes tangible.
Time has stood still, photo impressionist Juan DeDios has captured new dimensions of life with his “dogma in-A-rush from 2015”.