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"Danske Hus"

Hvordan ser et dansk hus ud? Først og fremmest skal det måske være rødt og hvidt, ligesom det danske flag. Den skal også have et spidst tag, mange vinduer for at få sol fra øst og vest, og selvfølgelig en skrotsten, så røgen fra brændeovnen kan slippe ud i vinterperioden, men husk at slukke den 25. december, Juleaften eller julemanden kan desværre ikke komme ind med gaverne!


Fotograferet i 2017

Originalt format 50x40

Farvepalet: Røde, hvide, gule, brune nuancer mod lyseblå himmel



Logikken bag brugen af ​​trekantede tage i huse i Europa er den samme som i andre regioner. Med et sadeltag vil vejrforhold som regn og snestorme ikke skade taget. Driften af ​​sne, is og regn giver traditionelle trekantede tage en kant i forhold til tagstile.


Pris for certificeret kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr

Pris for certificeret kopi format 50x70: 3.500 kr

Pris for certificeret kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr


Andre formater og indramning kan bestilles efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.


-- EN --


"Danish House”

How does a Danish house look like? First of all, maybe it should be red and white, just like the Danish flag. It must also have a pointed roof, many windows to get sun from the east and west, and of course a scrap stone so that the smoke from the fire stove can escape during the winter period, but remember to turn it off on December 25, Christmas Eve or Santa Claus unfortunately cannot come in with the gifts!


Photographed in 2017

Original format 50x40

Color palette: Red, white, yellow, brown shades against light blue sky



The logic behind the use of triangular roofs in houses in Europe is the same as in other regions. With a gable roof, weather conditions such as rain and snow storms will not damage the roof. The drift of snow, ice and rain gives traditional triangular roofs an edge over roof styles.



Price for confirmed copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500

Price for confirmed copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500

Price for confirmed copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500


Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.

“Danish House”

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    Thanks for submitting! You will hear from JUAN DE DIOS as soon as possible. You are always welcome to write to or call to

    +45 26 27 47 88.




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    VISDA DANMARK COPYRIGHTS 2012-2025 © Copyright - All pictures and text shown on this site are under European Copy Rights Law Protection represented by the Danish Association for Professional Photographers and The Copy Rights Danish Insitute COPYDAN - BILLEDEKUNST DJFotograferne - Board of Directors Member 2015-2023™©
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    Credits pressefotos: Thanks many times for the  shared press photos to: Ole Jørgensen, Herning. Foto from Randers Amts Avis: Richard Sylvestersen and Annelene Petersen. Portrait: Anders M. Teibel.

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