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Paris I Odense 2  alias "Hans Christian Andersen & Jenny Lind"

Ånden i middelalderbyen Odense blev spontant fanget ved at se et par gå rundt om hjørnet af en af de mest kendte bistroer Sct. Gertrudz Cafe. Mine følelser var store, da jeg så resultatet af min optagelse på min skærm, mine øjne kunne ikke tro det, det var HC Andersen, der gik i hånd med Jenny Lind!


Fotograferet i 2017

Odense City

Formatter til salg: 40x50 , 50x70, 70x100 cm

Farvepallet: Varme, orange, rødlig og hyggelige

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - ingen digitale maniuplationer, fremkaldt i farver.

Udstillet: Ja. 

  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro Juli 2022
  • Randers Stor Center Store Torv August 18-28 2022


Pris for en certificeret kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 50x70:  3.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr


Andre formatter samt indramning kan bestilling efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.



--- EN ---

“Paris in Odense 2”  alias "Hans Christian Andersen & Jenny Lind"

The spirit of the medieval city of Odense was spontaneously captured by seeing a couple walking around the corner of one of the best-known bistros Sct. Gertrude's Cafe. My emotions were great when I saw the result of my recording on my screen, my eyes could not believe it, it was HC Andersen walking taking by the hand of Jenny Lind!


Photographed in 2017

Odense City

Formats for sale: 40x50, 50x70, 70x100 cm

Color palette: Warm, orange, reddish and cosy

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - no digital manipulations, developed in color.

Exhibited: Yes.

Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro July 2022

Randers Stor Center Store Torv August 18-28 2022


Price for a certified copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500

Price for a certified copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500

Price for a certified copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500


Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.

“Paris in Odense 2” alias HCA + Jenny Lind

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    Thanks for submitting! You will hear from JUAN DE DIOS as soon as possible. You are always welcome to write to or call to

    +45 26 27 47 88.




    8981 SPENTRUP


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    VISDA DANMARK COPYRIGHTS 2012-2025 © Copyright - All pictures and text shown on this site are under European Copy Rights Law Protection represented by the Danish Association for Professional Photographers and The Copy Rights Danish Insitute COPYDAN - BILLEDEKUNST DJFotograferne - Board of Directors Member 2015-2023™©
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    8981 SPENTRUP


    Credits pressefotos: Thanks many times for the  shared press photos to: Ole Jørgensen, Herning. Foto from Randers Amts Avis: Richard Sylvestersen and Annelene Petersen. Portrait: Anders M. Teibel.

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