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"Sandormen 1" på vej til Grenen

Denne DeDios unika billede kaldt "Sandormen 1 - på vej til Grenen" er en del af en serie fotografier fra Grenen i Skagen taget i 2014. Denne billede var en del af et samling som blevet sent til curatering til den censurerende foto udstilling Til Kanten 2015. Billedet kom ikke viderer til finalen, men den har været en favorit bland DeDios publikum pga. sin fuldstændig innovativ fortolkning af den lille vogn som transporterer tusindvis af mennesker hver år fra parkeringspladsen ved Grenen til stedet hvor to have mødes.


Noget særligt ved denne billede er at den blevet fotograferet inden billedet kaldt "Turister" som viser de gæster som sad i sandormen på vej til Grenen, og hvor Juan DeDios nået at fotograferer dem efter at turisterne hop ned af Sandormen og gik mod Grenen ( og JuanDeDios med sit kamera).


Fotograferet i 2014

Original Format 40x50cm

Formatter til salg: 50x70, 70x100 cm

Farvepallet: Kolde farve med rene grå og cyan nuancer. 

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - ingen digitale maniuplationer, fremkaldt i farver.

Udstillet: Ja

  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro 5-28 th of May 2018
  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro Juli 2022 
  • Randers Stor Center Store Torv August 18-28 2022


Pris for en certificeret kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 50x70:  3.500 kr

Pris for en certificeret kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr


Andre formatter samt indramning kan bestilling efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.



Sandormen er en vogn, trukket af en traktor, der transporterer folk, der ønsker at besøge Grenen i Skagen fra parkeringspladsen og ud til selve Grenen. Sandormen kører hver dag fra ca. kl. 10 og til der ikke er flere passagerer.  Vognen kører ikke efter en fast køreplan, men der kører en vogn "hele tiden".  Sæsonen varer fra en uge før påske og frem til en uge efter skolernes efterårsferie. Man kan herudover bestille ture udenfor sæsonen.


Idéen til Sandormen opstod i slutningen af 1940'erne fordi der skulle hentes ral ved Grenen. Rallet skulle anvendes til byggeri efter krigen. 

I forbindelse med arbejdet med at hente dette ral var der adskillige besøgende, der bad om at komme med vognen ud til Grenen, og herved opstod tanken om en fast rutefart. I de første vogne var bænkene lånt fra missionshuset, senere kom der tag og rigtige vinduer i.  Kilde:


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"The Sandworm 1" on its way to "Grenen"

This DeDio's unique image called "Sandworm" is part of a series of photographs taken in Skagen by the branch "Grenen" in 2014. This image was part of a collection that was submitted for curation to the censored photo exhibition Til Kanten 2015. The image did not make it to the final, but it has been a favorite among DeDio's audience because of its completely innovative interpretation of the little cart that transports thousands of people every year from the parking lot at Grenen to the place where the two seas meet.


Something special about this picture is that it was photographed before the picture called "Tourists" from the same series "Grenen", which shows the guests who sat in the sand worm on the way to the Grenen, and where Juan DeDios managed to photograph them after the tourists jumped off the Sand worm and went towards the Grenen (and JuanDeDios with his camera).


Photographed in 2014

Original format 40x50cm

Formats for sale: 50x70, 70x100 cm

Color palette: Cold colors with pure gray and cyan shades.

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - no digital manipulations, developed in color.

Exhibited: Yes

  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro 5-28 th of May 2018
  • Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro July 2022
  • Randers Stor Center Store Torv August 18-28 2022


Price for a certified copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500

Price for a certified copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500

Price for a certified copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500

Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.



The Sandworm is a cart pulled by a tractor that transports people who want to visit Grenen in Skagen from the parking lot to Grenen itself. The Sandworm runs every day from approx. at 10 and until there are no more passengers. The carriage does not follow a fixed schedule, but a carriage runs "all the time". The season runs from a week before Easter until a week after the schools' autumn holidays. You can also book trips out of season.


The idea for Sandormen arose at the end of the 1940s because coal had to be collected at Grenen. The rally was to be used for construction after the war.

In connection with the work of retrieving this ral, there were several visitors who asked to come with the wagon to Grenen, and this gave rise to the idea of ​​a fixed route. In the first carriages, the benches were borrowed from the mission house, later a roof and real windows were added. Source:


"The Sandworm 1" on its way to "Grenen"

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