Turister ved Grenen
Denne DeDios unika billede kaldt "Turister" er en del af 4 stk fotografier som blevet udstillet i "Til Kanten 2016" udstillingen arrangeret af Museumsinspektør Bjarne Meldgaard fra Danmarks Fotomuseum i Herning.
Noget særligt ved denne billede er at den modtog en innovationspris i den internationelle fotoudstillingen "Til Kanten 2016"
Billederne blevet udnævnæt af et dommerpanel bestående af: fotograf Julie Helquist, fotochef på Jyllands-Posten, Brian Karmark, samt formanden for Aarhus Fotografisk Salon samt forstander ved Medieskolerne, Gunner Byskov.
Udstillingen til kanten varerde fra den 23. januar – 24. april 2016. Læs mere om Til Kanten 2016 her.
Fotograferet i 2014
Original Format 40x50cm
Formatter til salg: 40x50, 50x70, 70x100 cm
Farvepallet: Kolde farver, blålig
Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - ingen digitale maniuplationer, fremkaldt i farver.
Udstillet: Ja
- Censurerende Fotoudstilling Til Kanten 2016,
- Danmarks Foto Museum i Herning 2016
- Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro 5-28 th of May 2018
Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro June-July 2022
Stor Torv Randers Storcenter August 22-28 August 2022
Pris for en certificeret kopi format 40x50: 2.500 kr
Pris for en certificeret kopi format 50x70: 3.500 kr
Pris for en certificeret kopi format 70x100: 4.500 kr
Andre formatter samt indramning kan bestilling efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til juan@dedios.dk eller ring: 26274788.
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This DeDio's unique image called "Tourists at the Branch" is part of 4 photographs that were exhibited in the "Til Kanten 2016" exhibition organized by Museum Inspector Bjarne Meldgaard from Denmark's Photo Museum in Herning.
Something special about this photo is that it received an innovation award in the international photo exhibition "Til Kanten 2016"
The photos have been nominated by a panel of judges consisting of: photographer Julie Helquist, head of photography at Jyllands-Posten, Brian Karmark, and the chairman of the Aarhus Fotografisk Salon and principal at the Media Schools, Gunner Byskov.
The exhibition to the edge ran from 23 January – 24 April 2016. Read more about Til Kanten 2016 here.
Photographed in 2014
Original format 40x50cm
Formats for sale: 40x50, 50x70, 70x100 cm
Color palette: Cold colors, bluish
Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - no digital manipulations, developed in color.
Exhibited: Yes
Censoring Photo Exhibition Til Kanten 2016,
Denmark's Photo Museum in Herning 2016
Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro 5-28 th of May 2018
Gudenå Kulturhuset Bjerringbro June-July 2022
The Square at Randers Stor Center 22-28 th of August 2022
Price for a certified copy format 40x50: DKK 2,500
Price for a certified copy format 50x70: DKK 3,500
Price for a certified copy format 70x100: DKK 4,500
Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to juan@dedios.dk or call: 26274788.
The branch north of Skagen is the tip of Skagen's Odde. The branch is formed by sand that is transported north by the sea along the entire west coast of Jutland. The cape grows on average by approx. 10 meters per year in a north-easterly direction towards Sweden.
At Grenen, the Skagerrak and Kattegat meet, and this can be seen in the waves that come from opposite sides. It creates violent current conditions, which is why bathing there is strictly prohibited and associated with danger to life. You can, however, try to keep one foot in the Skagerrak and one foot in the Kattegat.
The branch is a popular excursion destination. Many tourists flock to the branch's outer tip in the summer. Some are shipped out there with the Sandormen – tractors with passenger cars that shuttle between the parking lot at the Grenen Art Museum (and restaurant De 2 Have) and the outermost tip of the Grenen. The place is known as Denmark's northernmost point, but as the north coast of Skagen's Odde bends towards the southeast towards the end, this does not fit: The northernmost point is on Nordstrand approx. 2.5 km west-northwest of Grenen and approx. 700 meters north of Grenen.
The area is the place in Denmark where the most bird species are observed annually - also overall, historically. Birds of prey flock here during migration in the spring. The site is Northern Europe's best observation site for birds of prey during the spring migration. The birds of prey are gliders that take advantage of updrafts that only form over land. They therefore prefer not to cross large stretches of open water, and the birds coming from the south are therefore guided along the coasts all the way to the headland, where they flock before crossing the Kattegat the 65 kilometers over to Bohuslän in Sweden, on their way up to the breeding grounds northeast.
Most birds of prey are seen on the headland when the wind is in the south-east. With a westerly wind, the birds are pushed further east, and then choose a route over Funen and Zealand instead. Every spring and autumn, thousands of small birds are ringed for the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen in bushes on Grenen.
Grenen is also one of the best places in Denmark to see marine mammals. Porpoises and harbor seals are seen almost daily, and in almost all seasons you can see a single gray seal or two. Over the years, several species of whales have been seen on Grenen by bird watchers with their telescopes, but several years can pass between them: most often it has been the white-nosed dolphin, but there are also several finds of killer whales, common dolphins, minke whales and even single finds of the seal species clapper and walrus .
In 1940, 262 hectares of Grenen were protected, and in 2007 a further 670 hectares and a marine area of around 1,000 hectares were protected,