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" Gå tur med hunden - ved Henne Strand "


Dette fantastiske billede af et par, der går tur med deres hund på en solrig morgendag ved Henne Strand i Danmark. Dette unica fotokunstværk blev præsenteret for første gang på Bjerringbro Kulturhus i Danmark i Y-2022


Juan DeDios anvender sin fototeknik til at producerer unikke abstrakte og impressionistiske billeder, hans dogma hedder in-a-rush, og står for at fange motivet på stedet uden de store overvejelser. Juan DeDios dogma står for at ikke anvende digitale manipulationer, han producerer sine fotoværker i sit kamerahus ved mestring af hans fototeknik som han har udviklet siden 2013, og udstillet for første gang i Randers i 2014. 


Fotograferet i 2017

Sted: Henne Strand, Jylland, Denmark

Format 70x50cm

Farvepallet: Brunne, orange, mørle grønne varme og kolde mix af farver 

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - ingen digitale maniuplationer, fremkaldt i farver.

Udstillet: Ja -

 2022 Bjerringbro Kulturhuset

20-28 August 2022 Randers Storcenter Stortorv

Pris for en certificeret kopi  2.500 kr

Pris for originalen format 70x50: 10.500 kr

Andre formatter samt indramning kan bestilling efter aftale med Juan DeDios - Skriv til eller ring: 26274788.


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"Walking the dog at Henne Beach"


This amazing photo of a couple walking their dog on a sunny morning at Henne Strand in Denmark. This unique photo artwork was presented for the first time at Bjerringbro Kulturhus in Denmark in Y-2022


Juan DeDios uses his photography technique to produce unique abstract and impressionistic images, his dogma is called in-a-rush, and stands for capturing the subject on the spot without much deliberation. Juan DeDio's dogma stands for not using digital manipulations, he produces his photographic works in his camera house by mastering his photographic technique which he has developed since 2013, and exhibited for the first time in Randers in 2014.


Photographed in 2017

Location: Henne Strand, Jutland, Denmark

Format 70x50cm

Color palette: Brown, orange, murre green warm and cold mix of colors

Dogma: in-a-rush 2015® - no digital manipulations, developed in color.

Exhibited: Yes -

2022 Bjerringbro Kulturhuset

20-28 August 2022 Randers Storcenter Stortorv

Price for a certified copy DKK 2,500

Price for the original format 70x50: DKK 10,500

Other formats and framing can be ordered by agreement with Juan DeDios - Write to or call: 26274788.




“Walking the Dog”

    DeDiosDanmark 2022 Brand.png


    Thanks for submitting! You will hear from JUAN DE DIOS as soon as possible. You are always welcome to write to or call to

    +45 26 27 47 88.




    8981 SPENTRUP


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    VISDA DANMARK COPYRIGHTS 2012-2025 © Copyright - All pictures and text shown on this site are under European Copy Rights Law Protection represented by the Danish Association for Professional Photographers and The Copy Rights Danish Insitute COPYDAN - BILLEDEKUNST DJFotograferne - Board of Directors Member 2015-2023™©
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    8981 SPENTRUP


    Credits pressefotos: Thanks many times for the  shared press photos to: Ole Jørgensen, Herning. Foto from Randers Amts Avis: Richard Sylvestersen and Annelene Petersen. Portrait: Anders M. Teibel.

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